Wednesday, December 30, 2009
I asked Jesus "How much do you love me?" Jesus replied "This much," and He stretched His arms, and died on the cross. If you believe in God, put this as your status. 97% of you won't. Jesus was thinking of you when He was crucified! 3% of you will stand up for your Lord and post this as your status.
Sunday, December 13, 2009
Seeds and Faith
Whatever a man sows, that he will also reap. - Galations 6:7-10
We're always sowing seeds in life
By everything we do and say,
So let's make sure the fruit we reap
Comes from the good we do each day. - Hess
The seeds we sow today determine the kind we'll reap tommorrow.
We're always sowing seeds in life
By everything we do and say,
So let's make sure the fruit we reap
Comes from the good we do each day. - Hess
The seeds we sow today determine the kind we'll reap tommorrow.
Monday, November 2, 2009
Life Quote
Work like you don't need the money, love like you've never been hurt and dance like no one is watching.
- Randall G Leighton
- Randall G Leighton
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Christian Quote of the Day, Contentment
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
If it's very painful for you to criticize your friends - you're safe in doing it. But if you take the slightest pleasure in it, that's the time to hold your tongue.
Alice Duer Miller
Grandparents Day

Today is Grandparents Day! I Like the new holiday. I was very lucky to have 5 living grandmothers till age 16. My last grandmother passed away when I was 38. Photo of me @ age 8 with my grandmothers and great grandmothers.
Monday, October 5, 2009
Christian Quote of the Day, Children
Sunday, October 4, 2009
Christian Quote of the Day Prayer
Saturday, October 3, 2009
Friendship and Life
In everyone's life, at some time, our inner fire goes out. It is then burst into flame by an encounter with another human being. We should all be thankful for those people who rekindle the inner spirit.
Albert Schweitzer
Thursday, October 1, 2009
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Eunice Kennedy Schriver

Christian Mother,Grandmother,and Parent
“I look at life as a gift of God.
Now that he wants it back
I have no right to complain.”
By: Joyce Cary
We are all ships returning home
laden with life's experience,
memories of work, good times and sorrows,
each with his special cargo;
And it is our common lot
to show the marks of the voyage,
here a shattered prow, there a patched rigging,
and every hulk turned black
by the unceasing batter of the restless wave.
May we be thankful for fair weather and smooth seas,
and in times of storm have the courage
and patience that mark every good mariner;
And, overall, may we have the cheering hope of joyful meetings,
as our ship at last drops anchor
in the still water of the eternal harbor.
By: Max Ehrmann
I Believe
"I believe life is more than survival...I believe in hope and freedom...I believe in the message of the cross. What do you believe?"
Faithful Grannies Christian Parents
Faithful Grannies Christian Parents
Saturday, July 25, 2009
Faithful Grannies Recommended Summer Reading List
Summer Reading List

Need a new book for your nightstand? Then check out these books. Every couple weeks we will submit new reviews for books we love so you can find a page turner of your own. Settle in and find a new story to enchant you.

The Shadow of the Wind by Carlos Ruis Zafron
This novel, set in Barcelona in 1945 when the city is still healing from the Spanish Civil war, is about a boy, Daniel, who finds solace in a mysterious book entitled The Shadow and the Wind by Julien Carax. When Daniel sets out to find the author's other works, he makes a shocking discovery—someone is systematically destroying every copy of every book Carax has written. In fact, Daniel may have the last book in existence. Soon his innocent quest opens a door into one of Barcelona's darkest secrets‹an epic story of murder, madness and doomed love.-- Carlos Lamadrid; available at

Body Surfing by Anita Shreve
This is just one of those perfect summer reads. A young widow works as a live-in tutor for a wealthy family one summer in their beachfront New Hampshire house. She quickly exhibits both a unifying and polarizing force on the family: two brothers compete for her affections, their kind-hearted father and sister fill a void in her life, and their mother¹s inexplicable disapproval foreshadows the book’s unexpected ending.-- Amanda Greene; available at

Chocolat by Joanne Harris
Set in a small town in France during Lent, Harris tells the story of newcomer Vianne Rocher and the spells ¬both literal and metaphorical ¬that she casts over the seemingly narrow-minded, church-going people of Lansquenet. Vianne, with the help of her six-year-old daughter, Anouk, opens up a chocolate shop in the middle of town, tempting each person with her magical ability to detect one’s favorite candy. Enraged by her unconventional methods and the fact that she stays open on Sundays, the priest, Francis Reynaud sets out on a personal mission to destroy what he sees as Vianne’s deliberate disobedience of his life’s work. Harris eloquently depicts the unraveling of Reynaud’s control ¬ over himself and the town ¬ with Vianne¹s mission to reach out and warm the hearts of the people of Lansquenet, making this a modern classic, sure to inspire every type of reader. -- Ashley Bell; available at

Need a new book for your nightstand? Then check out these books. Every couple weeks we will submit new reviews for books we love so you can find a page turner of your own. Settle in and find a new story to enchant you.

The Shadow of the Wind by Carlos Ruis Zafron
This novel, set in Barcelona in 1945 when the city is still healing from the Spanish Civil war, is about a boy, Daniel, who finds solace in a mysterious book entitled The Shadow and the Wind by Julien Carax. When Daniel sets out to find the author's other works, he makes a shocking discovery—someone is systematically destroying every copy of every book Carax has written. In fact, Daniel may have the last book in existence. Soon his innocent quest opens a door into one of Barcelona's darkest secrets‹an epic story of murder, madness and doomed love.-- Carlos Lamadrid; available at

Body Surfing by Anita Shreve
This is just one of those perfect summer reads. A young widow works as a live-in tutor for a wealthy family one summer in their beachfront New Hampshire house. She quickly exhibits both a unifying and polarizing force on the family: two brothers compete for her affections, their kind-hearted father and sister fill a void in her life, and their mother¹s inexplicable disapproval foreshadows the book’s unexpected ending.-- Amanda Greene; available at

Chocolat by Joanne Harris
Set in a small town in France during Lent, Harris tells the story of newcomer Vianne Rocher and the spells ¬both literal and metaphorical ¬that she casts over the seemingly narrow-minded, church-going people of Lansquenet. Vianne, with the help of her six-year-old daughter, Anouk, opens up a chocolate shop in the middle of town, tempting each person with her magical ability to detect one’s favorite candy. Enraged by her unconventional methods and the fact that she stays open on Sundays, the priest, Francis Reynaud sets out on a personal mission to destroy what he sees as Vianne’s deliberate disobedience of his life’s work. Harris eloquently depicts the unraveling of Reynaud’s control ¬ over himself and the town ¬ with Vianne¹s mission to reach out and warm the hearts of the people of Lansquenet, making this a modern classic, sure to inspire every type of reader. -- Ashley Bell; available at
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Home - Christian Inspriational Poem

There is a place where the pain will cease
No tears, anguish, pain or disease
He is preparing it now as I write this poem
Then when it's time, I will hear "My child come home."
I'll answer the call and be on my way
No doubt in my mind, no haste, no delay
I long for that moment to be in that place
where I see my Savior, my Lord, face to face
Written and submitted by Joy Gerard
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Mom's Time-out

Mom's Time-out Is Too Nerve Wracking
by Lisa Barker
I just wanted a LITTLE break. Not that 'me time' that is so fashionable these days, just a bathroom break. Can't a grown woman go to the bathroom alone and have 15 minutes of peace and not have a nervous breakdown?
Mistake number one: I went to the bathroom and did not take my three-year old with me. I didn't want to play twenty questions about Mommy's bodily functions and, quite frankly, I get stage fright.
So I tiptoed down the hall to my room to use my bathroom. (I never use the main bathroom. That's the one the kids use and, unless we have company, it's in no state for the feint of heart. Truly gross things happen in there and I try not to guess how. I just don a suit like those people from the Center for Disease Control wear and hose it down with bleach once a week.)
Success! I'd made a clean get away without my son noticing. He'd finally landed (literally) on a pile of toys and seemed to be settled for the moment. It's a rarity with him and, mistake number two, I was foolish to think it would last. He has the attention span of a gerbil on speed.
The first thing I heard was the sound of heavy furniture moving. In no position to hurry, I bellowed through the walls that separated me from my child. "What are you doing out there?"
There was a moment of silence and then I heard a tinkling sound. Was that glass?
"What's going on out there?" More silence. More sounds of heavy furniture moving.
What is he DOING? He's only three and barely weighs as much as a paperweight. I heard the rustling of what sounded like a rather large brush on the laminate floor...something that sounded rather suspiciously like the Christmas tree being moved.
Mistake number three: I panicked and my son knew it. He heard it in my scream.
I heard little cowboy-booted feet running from the kitchen to the living room and down the hall to a room that he KNOWS he's not supposed to go into. The door slammed.
There were tense moments of utter silence punctuated by me bellowing my son's name and then straining to hear what he was up to. No answer.
I rushed like a fireman on call. I barreled out of the room and there he stood with the biggest, cheekiest grin on his face. A cursory scope of the house revealed nothing out of the ordinary. And still there was that big grin on his face.
"What have you been up to?"
Forget Mom's time-out. I just can't take it.
What's Related:
A Perfect Parenting Plan
Despite Some Mature Moments Kids Will Still Be Kids
The Wandering Child: Keeping Your Growing Toddler Safe
The Bathtub (Humor)
More Parenting Humor
About the Author:
Lisa Barker of Greenfield, California is a syndicated humor columnist and mom of five. Her latest book is "Just Because Your Kids Drive You Insane ... Doesn't Mean You Are A Bad Parent!" See for more information
Sunday, July 12, 2009

Love is the gift you give to another that knows no reason and knows no bounds. It is that idyllic belief that somehow comes true when you lean on someone and they on you. It is through that union that you create a bond that no one else can break. It is also through that union that you achieve because you have each other when others have only themselves or no one else to lean on. The person you love is often the person who angers you the most, the person who frustrates you the most and the person you look at, from time to time, and wonder about. But it is with the same eye that you feel anger, frustration and wonder that you look in amazement and disbelief. This is the time when you look at what that other person can do, at what they can accomplish and what they can create, and you sigh to yourself and feel wonderfully proud.
Yes, love is an amazing thing. Love can cure when doctors say there is no hope, for the purity of love is indeed divinely and universally unlimited and boundless with abundant possibilities. Love can lift you to the great heights and love can heal and cure what no one doctor or man can deny. Love is likened to the cool touch of linen sheets which feel so welcoming before you close your eyes at night and breathe in the scent of the person who lies beside you, for even when they are not there, their scent is, their warmth is and their essence remains. And you place your hand on their spot and you dream dreams of sweet comfort while a tear rests on your cheek and you know that living in you is the love of your other half which makes you whole.
Love is the endless sense of hope that searchers never find. Love is the truth that can only be sensually felt and never quantified or measured for it is intangible, as is spirit. For we say unto you that verily, you are love, and all you can give, when all has been taken, is love, and only then can you stand before your creator and say, "I am humankind, in your image and the love you feel for me, I truly understand, for there is nothing else left for me to give. So, let me give my love back unto you."
Yea, it is at this moment of recognition that one realizes that they have never been alone, for when they stand in love they stand in the midst of creation. Yea, they stand in the image of universal perfection for the purest gift of all has led them on the greatest journey of discovery. The path honed and carved out by two as one, against all odds, seemingly immeasurable odds, when only they believed in each other and even the doubt they have momentary felt falls aside when they say, the power of their love for each other unfolds endless opportunity before them. This gift of love cannot be purchased, it cannot be adorned for standing naked in the light, love shines such radiance that the beauty contained within emanates singular, righteous innocence.
And we say to you as you would say unto another, place your hand in mine and walk by my side. Do not stand in my shadow, do not lead me where I do not want to go, but journey by my side for the discovery is ours to explore together. Memories of love are memories that endure forever.
Memories of love hold the power to lift up and heal. Memories of love bring forth spring and the blossoms of radiant beauty that make summers come forth from dullness. Love finds itself on the soul-level and oftentimes makes no sense for what you see in each other no other can see, until they see how you look at each other. Remember those early days and the time you first looked at each other and you saw the hope of the world held within the eyes you gazed? That light still flourishes, that light still burns and that love will always lead your way.
Love is sacrifice, there is a seriousness to betrayal where love is concerned. Once there is betrayal, again it is only the very singular aspect of selfless love that will lead you to forgiveness. Those who love often sacrifice of themselves to those they love to ensure their happiness and well-being. Ah, but this is pure love, not the love of image of appearance. In this third dimensional reality, appearance is the temptation that intercedes in your reality. For careers and success, relationships are entered into and again and again we see the failures and complications that come from that false foundation.
What makes one a success and builds one's life is a partnership based on trust and mutual concerns, and those concerns that we speak of are the concerns that bind one person to another for the caring they share for one another. You see that gathering and paring for reasons that, externally motivated, will be laced with complications. So often there is an emphasis on the physical, and yes truly there will likely always be this side to your behavior because it fits into the third dimensional reality. However, you cannot groom a soul, you cannot reshape a belief system and you cannot change an attitude. But you can improve the exterior self to align with the improvement of self that comes through hand in hand with love. Ah yes, the aspect of love that exists within the power of love can cause all things to bloom and realize their full potential. For we say verily unto you that the magic within love is the unheard melody you hear within your soul. Follow the melody of love and enjoy your journey of wondrous discovery as your dreams come true.
The Writings of David Reid Lowell
Friday, July 10, 2009
Fun outdoor activities for your kids
Fun outdoor activities that will motivate your kids

- These days it's not uncommon for children to spend more time in front of the TV and computer than they do playing outside. When the weather is nice, this leaves many parents a bit perplexed.
Keeping kids physically active is an important part of a well-rounded and healthy lifestyle. So how do you get your kids excited about going outside? Here are some ideas sure to get you and your kids fired up about outdoor fun.
1. The many benefits of a garden
Involving kids in planting and nurturing a garden is a good way to get them outside and teach them responsibility at the same time. Start by researching appropriate planting times and plants that will grow in the hardiness zone where you live. If it's too late in the season for planting in your area, consider taking the kids to a local farm that allows you to pick your own fruits, berries or vegetables.
After you're done, take the fun one step further by picking a healthy recipe you can all make together. Fruits are great for all-natural frozen popsicles, salads and bakery items like muffins. Veggies can be easily used in pasta recipes or as side items.
2. A simple walk has never been more fun
A family walk is not only quality time spent together, but it gets muscles moving. Enjoy your community and take a walk to your favorite park, playground or beach. If you have little ones, use a wagon like the Radio Flyer Pack 'N Go Canopy Wagon. It's a great alternative to strollers with a 360 degree view and tots enjoy the fun ride. Plus this wagon features a canopy to protect riders from the sun's harmful rays and a storage bag that can keep water and other supplies cool.
Make an afternoon of it and pack a picnic lunch. Don't forget to keep it healthy -- make sandwiches ahead of time, pack fruits, snacks and other favorites along with water and juice boxes so everyone stays hydrated as they play.
3. Plan a nature treasure hunt
It's no secret that kids love games. A game of tag or soccer is always fun, but how about planning a unique activity to get them excited about being outdoors? Consider planning a scavenger hunt that incorporates items from nature.
Plan ahead and create a list of things that you could find in your area. Include some easy-to-find items and others that are more difficult to locate. To make it more educational, add photos to items on the list they might not recognize so they can learn as they hunt. For example, add a photo of different kinds of leaves, flowers, rocks or feathers and have the kids seek them out.
4. Organize a group scoot
A great alternative to bikes is the scooter, and kids are taking notice. First, make sure your child has a safe scooter to ride on. The Radio Flyer EZ-Rider is the first and only scooter made specifically for intermediate-level riders, designed to help children master balance while allowing them to keep a steady pace. The extra-wide wheels, low deck and rear foot brake ensure safety. Always remember a helmet is a smart idea no matter what type of scooter your child rides.
Once your young rider is ready, get a group of their friends together and go on a group scooter adventure. Choose a specific name for your group and ride through the neighborhood or park. Don't be surprised if it becomes a weekly activity.
Today's kids might need a little encouragement, but once you get them involved in some exciting and new outdoor activities, they'll be asking to play outside more often rather than sitting in front of the computer or television. To learn more about fun outdoor activities, visit
Courtesy of ARAcontent

- These days it's not uncommon for children to spend more time in front of the TV and computer than they do playing outside. When the weather is nice, this leaves many parents a bit perplexed.
Keeping kids physically active is an important part of a well-rounded and healthy lifestyle. So how do you get your kids excited about going outside? Here are some ideas sure to get you and your kids fired up about outdoor fun.
1. The many benefits of a garden
Involving kids in planting and nurturing a garden is a good way to get them outside and teach them responsibility at the same time. Start by researching appropriate planting times and plants that will grow in the hardiness zone where you live. If it's too late in the season for planting in your area, consider taking the kids to a local farm that allows you to pick your own fruits, berries or vegetables.
After you're done, take the fun one step further by picking a healthy recipe you can all make together. Fruits are great for all-natural frozen popsicles, salads and bakery items like muffins. Veggies can be easily used in pasta recipes or as side items.
2. A simple walk has never been more fun
A family walk is not only quality time spent together, but it gets muscles moving. Enjoy your community and take a walk to your favorite park, playground or beach. If you have little ones, use a wagon like the Radio Flyer Pack 'N Go Canopy Wagon. It's a great alternative to strollers with a 360 degree view and tots enjoy the fun ride. Plus this wagon features a canopy to protect riders from the sun's harmful rays and a storage bag that can keep water and other supplies cool.
Make an afternoon of it and pack a picnic lunch. Don't forget to keep it healthy -- make sandwiches ahead of time, pack fruits, snacks and other favorites along with water and juice boxes so everyone stays hydrated as they play.
3. Plan a nature treasure hunt
It's no secret that kids love games. A game of tag or soccer is always fun, but how about planning a unique activity to get them excited about being outdoors? Consider planning a scavenger hunt that incorporates items from nature.
Plan ahead and create a list of things that you could find in your area. Include some easy-to-find items and others that are more difficult to locate. To make it more educational, add photos to items on the list they might not recognize so they can learn as they hunt. For example, add a photo of different kinds of leaves, flowers, rocks or feathers and have the kids seek them out.
4. Organize a group scoot
A great alternative to bikes is the scooter, and kids are taking notice. First, make sure your child has a safe scooter to ride on. The Radio Flyer EZ-Rider is the first and only scooter made specifically for intermediate-level riders, designed to help children master balance while allowing them to keep a steady pace. The extra-wide wheels, low deck and rear foot brake ensure safety. Always remember a helmet is a smart idea no matter what type of scooter your child rides.
Once your young rider is ready, get a group of their friends together and go on a group scooter adventure. Choose a specific name for your group and ride through the neighborhood or park. Don't be surprised if it becomes a weekly activity.
Today's kids might need a little encouragement, but once you get them involved in some exciting and new outdoor activities, they'll be asking to play outside more often rather than sitting in front of the computer or television. To learn more about fun outdoor activities, visit
Courtesy of ARAcontent
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Christian Quote of the Day Contentment
Christian contentment is that sweet, inward, quiet, gracious frame of spirit, which freely submits to and delights in God's wise and fatherly disposal in every condition.
Burroughs, Jeremiah
Christian contentment is that sweet, inward, quiet, gracious frame of spirit, which freely submits to and delights in God's wise and fatherly disposal in every condition.
Burroughs, Jeremiah
Monday, June 15, 2009
Christian Quote of the Day
Quote of the Day
The Lord knows them that are his by name, but we must know them by their character.
-- Henry, Matthew
The Lord knows them that are his by name, but we must know them by their character.
-- Henry, Matthew
Friday, May 29, 2009
What is Success

What is success? I think it is a mixture of having a flair for the thing that you are doing; knowing that it is not enough, that you have got to have hard work and a certain sense of purpose.
Margaret Thatcher
Christian Work From Home Moms & Grandparents
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Christian Quote of Day
The world cannot bury Christ. The earth is not deep enough for his tomb, the clouds are not wide enough for his winding-sheet.
- Thomson, Edward
- Thomson, Edward
Friday, May 22, 2009
Christian Quote of the Day

Topic for Today: Jesus Christ
Remember, Christ was not a deified man, neither was he a humanized God. He was perfectly God and at the same time perfectly man.
Spurgeon, C. H.
Christian Work From Home Moms and Grandparents
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Christian Quote of the Day

Topic for Today: Holiness
A holy life is not an ascetic, or gloomy, or solitary life, but a life regulated by divine truth and faithful in Christian duty. It is living above the world while we are still in it.
Edwards, Tryone
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Christian Quote of the Day

Topic for Today: Love For God
The more a true saint loves God with a truly gracious love, the more he desires to love Him, and the more miserable he is at his lack of love to Him.
Edwards, Jonathan
Christian Work From Home Moms and Granparents
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Christian Quote of the Day -

Topic for Today: Incarnation
He was created of a mother whom he created. He was carried by hands that he formed. He cried in the manger in wordless infancy, he the Word, without whom all human eloquence is mute.
Augustine of Hippo
Christian Work From Home Moms and Grandparents
Sunday, May 17, 2009
Business Building with Twitter
Every business, whether online or offline can benefit from using Twitter. No matter what the nature of your business is, what type of product you manufacture or sell, or whether you are in the service industry, every company and business needs advertising. This is how Twitter can benefit and builds every business; through free advertising and marketing. It doesn’t matter what your company or business is, every business and organization needs a marketing strategy, promotion, and to increase its customer base. Twitter not only does this, but it does so easily.
A comprehensive marketing strategy is one of the most important tools every business must utilize. With the technological advances provided today, every company has the ability to reach numerous customers worldwide. It doesn’t matter if you work online or offline every company needs customers. When determining your marketing plan it’s important to consider all mediums available. Online marketing provides many advantages including the low and inexpensive cost, the ability to reach people on a global scale, and the ability to advertise your business services 24 hours per day, 7 days per week.
One of the best benefits of building your business with Twitter is the fact that you can stay in touch with customers on a local or global scale. Your company might not be online, but if you have a mail order service, then your customer reach must be great. Likewise, if your business only serves those in the local community, staying in touch with your customer base through Twitter is an excellent option. It’s easy to add your twitter name to business cards and once you do, you’ll find that it doesn’t take long before your customers, friends, and even new ones begin following you. Regardless of the nature of your business you can add product updates, sales, coupons, special offers and marketing promotions all on Twitter.
Twitter is a micro blogging platform. This means that it is similar to a regular blog only smaller in size and function. When you communicate on Twitter you are giving short messages in a form similar to status updates. You can state anything from what you are doing at the moment, to new products your company is unveiling. Since it is micro blogging, you don’t need to worry about composing lengthy articles or newsletters to stay in touch with your customers or to promote your company.
Twitter is free to use and this is one of its greatest advantages as a marketing tool. It requires very little time to send out a “tweet” and you don’t need to lose valuable time that would be spent working to update your Twitter posts. Another factor to take into consideration is that you can tweet from a mobile phone or Black Berry. For those who might not have access to a computer 24/7 the ability to make calls from your mobile phone is a tremendous benefit. The ease and convenience of keeping in touch with your customers and the simplicity of attracting new ones through Twitter makes it an incredible business building tool that can be used by everyone, regardless of the nature of their business.
Every business, whether online or offline can benefit from using Twitter. No matter what the nature of your business is, what type of product you manufacture or sell, or whether you are in the service industry, every company and business needs advertising. This is how Twitter can benefit and builds every business; through free advertising and marketing. It doesn’t matter what your company or business is, every business and organization needs a marketing strategy, promotion, and to increase its customer base. Twitter not only does this, but it does so easily.
A comprehensive marketing strategy is one of the most important tools every business must utilize. With the technological advances provided today, every company has the ability to reach numerous customers worldwide. It doesn’t matter if you work online or offline every company needs customers. When determining your marketing plan it’s important to consider all mediums available. Online marketing provides many advantages including the low and inexpensive cost, the ability to reach people on a global scale, and the ability to advertise your business services 24 hours per day, 7 days per week.
One of the best benefits of building your business with Twitter is the fact that you can stay in touch with customers on a local or global scale. Your company might not be online, but if you have a mail order service, then your customer reach must be great. Likewise, if your business only serves those in the local community, staying in touch with your customer base through Twitter is an excellent option. It’s easy to add your twitter name to business cards and once you do, you’ll find that it doesn’t take long before your customers, friends, and even new ones begin following you. Regardless of the nature of your business you can add product updates, sales, coupons, special offers and marketing promotions all on Twitter.
Twitter is a micro blogging platform. This means that it is similar to a regular blog only smaller in size and function. When you communicate on Twitter you are giving short messages in a form similar to status updates. You can state anything from what you are doing at the moment, to new products your company is unveiling. Since it is micro blogging, you don’t need to worry about composing lengthy articles or newsletters to stay in touch with your customers or to promote your company.
Twitter is free to use and this is one of its greatest advantages as a marketing tool. It requires very little time to send out a “tweet” and you don’t need to lose valuable time that would be spent working to update your Twitter posts. Another factor to take into consideration is that you can tweet from a mobile phone or Black Berry. For those who might not have access to a computer 24/7 the ability to make calls from your mobile phone is a tremendous benefit. The ease and convenience of keeping in touch with your customers and the simplicity of attracting new ones through Twitter makes it an incredible business building tool that can be used by everyone, regardless of the nature of their business.
Saturday, May 16, 2009
Christian Quote of the Day

Christian Topic for Today: Adversity
They gave our Master a crown of thorns. Why do we hope for a crown of roses?
Luther, Martin
Friday, May 15, 2009
My Two Cents

Recently,I had to change Internet cable services. One former provider promised to send me a postage-paid box to mail their equipment back to them. I waited. No box came. I phoned. The promised box still did not arrive, but I did get a bill for the equipment! I was so furious.
After 2 hours on the phone with no resolution and wanting to get this resolved, I decided to return it at my own expense. I sent several faxes and made unknown number of calls asking if they received it - but no reply. Then I got a refund check for $.02 for the returned equipment! An experience like that can be frustrating. A simple transaction was complicated by poor communication.
Sadly, some people in our churches may encounter an impersonal response to their needs. Weather seeking marital counseling, childcare, guidance for a troubled teen, or a loving community, they come away feeling uncared for.
All churches are not perfect, but they faithfully help others. The church at Jerusalem "divided (their goods) among all, as anyone had need" (Acts 2:45).
Good communication is the starting point for learning others' needs. This enables us to provide personal and practical help to people when they need it. Resources, both material and spiritual can then be directed to each person as the object of God's personal love.
God cares for you - care for others.
Do not withhold good from those to whom it is due, when it is in the power of your hand to do so. - Proverbs 3:27
Source: Christian Work From Home Moms and Grandparents. - Faithful
All who serve within the church
Should show by word and deed
A sensitivity to those
Who have a special need - D.De Hamm
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Christian Quote of the Day

Topic for Today: Affliction
The furnace of affliction is a good place for you, Christian; it benefits you; it helps you to become more like Christ, and it is fitting you for heaven.
Spurgeon, C. H.
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
I Can Only Imagine
I can only imagine
What it will be like
When I walk
By your side
I can only imagine
What my eyes will see
When your face
Is before me
I can only imagine
I can only imagine
Surrounded by Your glory, what will my heart feel
Will I dance for you Jesus or in awe of you be still
Will I stand in your presence or to my knees will I fall
Will I sing hallelujah, will I be able to speak at all
I can only imagine
I can only imagine
I can only imagine
When that day comes
And I find myself
Standing in the Son
I can only imagine
When all I will do
Is forever
Forever worship You
I can only imagine
I can only imagine
I can only imagine [x2]
I can only imagine
When all I will do
Is forever, forever worship you
I can only imagine
This is one of my most famous songs! Enjoy!
What it will be like
When I walk
By your side
I can only imagine
What my eyes will see
When your face
Is before me
I can only imagine
I can only imagine
Surrounded by Your glory, what will my heart feel
Will I dance for you Jesus or in awe of you be still
Will I stand in your presence or to my knees will I fall
Will I sing hallelujah, will I be able to speak at all
I can only imagine
I can only imagine
I can only imagine
When that day comes
And I find myself
Standing in the Son
I can only imagine
When all I will do
Is forever
Forever worship You
I can only imagine
I can only imagine
I can only imagine [x2]
I can only imagine
When all I will do
Is forever, forever worship you
I can only imagine
This is one of my most famous songs! Enjoy!
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Mothers and Wives
Whether it's Mother's Day or Christmas. I enjoy pondering the fact that Jesus had a mother. When we look at the New Testament accounts of the life of Christ, we don't have to search far to see the important role his mother had in his life. Over time though, her role changed. The way she handled that shifting role leaves a great example for us.
Mary's love for Jesus was obvious. She wrapped him in swaddling clothes in Bethlehem. She and Joseph fled with him to Egypt. They watched his wisdom and independence blossom. In Jesus' adult years- when Mary witnessed him turn the water into wine at a wedding - her role as a mom seemed to change. She stepped back and acknowledged his authority. She continued to follow him on his trips as he ministered to people around him. On one of those trips, when he announced that his mother and brothers were not connected to him by flesh and blood but those who were part of the family of faith (Luke 8:31), she was presented with another aspect of her role change: in addition to being Jesus' mother, she was his disciple as well. It's obvious that she accepted that position, because she followed Jesus to his death and stood at the foot of his cross. After the Resurrection, Mary was also present in the upper room, where she waited for the Holy Spirit along with the other disciples.
When we struggle as moms, when we're unsure of our roles, when we need wisdom and help for a particular stage, it is so comforting to remember that the one to whom we pray is also one who had a mother!
Source: Christian Parents - Faithful Grannies - Christian Working Moms
Mary's love for Jesus was obvious. She wrapped him in swaddling clothes in Bethlehem. She and Joseph fled with him to Egypt. They watched his wisdom and independence blossom. In Jesus' adult years- when Mary witnessed him turn the water into wine at a wedding - her role as a mom seemed to change. She stepped back and acknowledged his authority. She continued to follow him on his trips as he ministered to people around him. On one of those trips, when he announced that his mother and brothers were not connected to him by flesh and blood but those who were part of the family of faith (Luke 8:31), she was presented with another aspect of her role change: in addition to being Jesus' mother, she was his disciple as well. It's obvious that she accepted that position, because she followed Jesus to his death and stood at the foot of his cross. After the Resurrection, Mary was also present in the upper room, where she waited for the Holy Spirit along with the other disciples.
When we struggle as moms, when we're unsure of our roles, when we need wisdom and help for a particular stage, it is so comforting to remember that the one to whom we pray is also one who had a mother!
Source: Christian Parents - Faithful Grannies - Christian Working Moms
Saturday, May 9, 2009
Working for the Lord

Work hard and cheerfully at whatever you do as though you where working for the lord rather than for people. Colossians 3:23
Source: Christian Work From Home Moms and Grandparents - Faithful
Wednesday, May 6, 2009

TO: God.Com
Dear Lord,
Every single evening
As I'm lying here in bed,
This tiny little Prayer
Keeps running through my head:
God bless all my family
Wherever they may be,
Keep them warm
And safe from harm
For they're so close to me.
And God, there is one more thing
I wish that you could do;
Hope you don't mind me asking,
Please bless my computer too..
Now I know that it's unusual
To Bless a motherboard,
But listen just a second
While I explain it to you, Lord.
You see, that little metal box
Holds more than odds and ends;
Inside those small compartments
Rest so many of my friends.
I know so much about them
By the kindness that they give,
And this little scrap of metal
Takes me in to where they live.
By faith is how I know them
Much the same as you.
We share in what life brings us
And from that our friendships grew.
Please take an extra minute
From your duties up above,
To bless those in my address book
That's filled with so much love.
Wherever else this prayer may reach
To each and every friend,
Bless each e-mail inbox
And each person who hits 'send'.
When you update your Heavenly list
On your own Great CD-ROM,
Bless everyone who says this prayer
Sent up to GOD.Com

Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Christian Quote of the Day
Quote of the Day
Tuesday, May 5th, 2009
We know God but as men born blind know the fire: they know that there is such as thing as fire, for they feel it warm them, but what it is they know not. So, that there is a God we know, but what He is we know little, and indeed we can never search Him out to perfection; a finite creature can never fully comprehend that which is infinite.
- Manton, Thomas
Tuesday, May 5th, 2009
We know God but as men born blind know the fire: they know that there is such as thing as fire, for they feel it warm them, but what it is they know not. So, that there is a God we know, but what He is we know little, and indeed we can never search Him out to perfection; a finite creature can never fully comprehend that which is infinite.
- Manton, Thomas
Sunday, May 3, 2009

Christian Quote of the Day - May 3, 2009
Topic for Today: Christians
You are those worthies "of whom the world is not worthy," Hebrews 11:38. You are the princes "that prevail with God," Genesis 32:28. You are those "excellent ones" in whom is all Christ's delight, Psalm 16:3. You are His glory. You are His picked, culled, prime instruments which He will make use of to carry on His best and greatest work against His worst and greatest enemies in these latter days.
Brooks, Thomas
Christian Parents Families Grandparents Children and Generations To Be
Saturday, May 2, 2009
Christ: His Coming Kingdom
Christian Quote of the Day - May 2, 2009
Topic for Today: Christ: His Coming Kingdom
Christ hath told us He will come, but not when, that we might never put off our clothes, or put out the candle.
Gurnall, William
Christian Parents and Families
Topic for Today: Christ: His Coming Kingdom
Christ hath told us He will come, but not when, that we might never put off our clothes, or put out the candle.
Gurnall, William
Christian Parents and Families
Boomers and Empty Nesters

I have found a great site for Boomers and Empty Nester's. Check it out. the Empty Nester rules and celebrating life without kids.
Another great blog is Boomers Cafe jamed packed with information on Boomers and living at this time in our lives. BoomerCafé™ … it’s your place. In fact it’s the original place on the Internet that focuses on us: baby boomers with active, youthful lifestyles and gives all baby boomers a “voice.”
Finally anouther one is Mr. and Mrs. Boomer Sharing, solutions and resources for our generation. Mr. and Mrs. Boomer is here to serve as a community for baby boomers, those born between 1946 and 1964. We’re a married baby boomer couple who figured everything we are going through, others boomer couples must be going through.
These 3 are great and I encourage you to check them out. We all age differently and with a great deal of fun.
Friday, May 1, 2009
Christian Quote of the Day, Mustard Seed
Romans 1:17
And Jesus said unto them, "If ye have faith as a grain of mustard seed, ye shall say unto this mountain, Remove hence to younder place; and it shall remove; and nothing shall be impossible to you."
CWAHMoms and Grandparents
And Jesus said unto them, "If ye have faith as a grain of mustard seed, ye shall say unto this mountain, Remove hence to younder place; and it shall remove; and nothing shall be impossible to you."
CWAHMoms and Grandparents
Thursday, April 30, 2009
May Day History

The tradition of Maypole and greeneries | Maypoles and trees | Roots of May Day celebration in America
Well, it is a fact that May Day, which the children do enjoy with all vibes, is not an overly prominent holiday in America. Yet, it does have a long and notable history as one of the world's principal festivals. The origin of the May Day as a day for celebration dates back to the days, even before the birth of Christ. And like many ancient festivals it too has a Pagan connection.
For the Druids of the British Isles, May 1 was the second most important holiday of the year. Because, it was when the festival of Beltane held. It was thought that the day divides the year into half. The other half was to be ended with the Samhain on November 1. Those days the May Day custom was the setting of new fire. It was one of those ancient New Year rites performed throughout the world. And the fire itself was thought to lend life to the burgeoning springtime sun. Cattle were driven through the fire to purify them. Men, with their sweethearts, passed through the smoke for seeing good luck.
Then the Romans came to occupy the British Isles. The beginning of May was a very popular feast time for the Romans. It was devoted primarily to the worship of Flora, the goddess of flowers. It was in her honor a five day celebration, called the Floralia, was held. The five day festival would start from April 28 and end on May 2. The Romans brought in the rituals of the Floralia festival in the British Isles. And gradually the rituals of the Floralia were added to those of the Beltane. And many of today's customs on the May Day bear a stark similarity with those combined traditions.
May day observance was discouraged during the Puritans. Though, it was relived when the Puritans lost power in England, it didn't have the same robust force. Gradually, it came to be regarded more as a day of joy and merriment for the kids, rather than a day of observing the ancient fertility rights.
The tradition of Maypole and greeneries:
By the Middle Ages every English village had its Maypole. The bringing in of the Maypole from the woods was a great occasion and was accompanied by much rejoicing and merrymaking. The Maypoles were of all sizes. And one village would vie with another to show who could produce the tallest Maypole. Maypoles were usually set up for the day in small towns, but in London and the larger towns they were erected permanently.
The Maypole tradition suffered a setback for about a couple of decades since the Puritan Long Parliament stopped it in 1644. However, with the return of the Stuarts, the Maypole reappeared and the festivities of May Day were again enjoyed. One of the great Maypoles, was
The changes brought about by the Reformation included attempts to do away with practices that were obviously of pagan origin. But the Maypole, or, May tree, was not issued in practice at the behest of the second Stuart.
Although they succeeded in doing this, Maypole with most of the other traditions, many still survived. And Maypole is one of them. In France it merely changed its name. In Perigord and elsewhere, the May Tree became the "Tree of Liberty" and was the symbol of the French Revolution. Despite the new nomenclature, the peasants treated the tree in the same traditional spirit. And they would dance around it the same way as their forefathers had always done.
Maypoles and trees:
Trees have been linked to a part of celebration, perhaps, to the days ancient New Year rites. The association of trees to this celebration has come riding on the back of the spring festival in ancient Europe. Trees have always been the symbol of the great vitality and fertility of nature and were often used at the spring festivals of antiquity. The anthropologist E. O. James finds a strong relationship between the ancient tree related traditions of the British and the Romans. According to James' description, as a part of the May Day celebration, the youths in old Europe cut down a tree, lopped off the branches leaving a few at the top. They then wrapped it round with violets like the figure of the Attis, the ancient Roman god. At sunrise, they used to take it back to their villages by blowing horns and flutes. In a similar manner, the sacred pine tree representing the god Attis was carried in procession to the temple of Cybele on Rome's Palatine Hill during the Spring Festival of March 22.
Roots of May Day celebration in America:
The Puritans frowned on May Day, so the day has never been celebrated with as much enthusiasm in the United States as in Great Britain. But the tradition of celebrating May Day by dancing and singing around a maypole, tied with colorful streamers or ribbons, survived as a part of the English tradition. The kids celebrating the day by moving back and forth around the pole with the the streamers, choosing of May queen, and hanging of May baskets on the doorknobs of folks -- are all the leftovers of the old European traditions.
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Christian Quote of the Day, Unfailing Love
Psalm 143:8
Let the morning bring me word of your unfailing love, for I have put my trust in you. Show me the way I should go, for to you I lift up my soul.
Christain Work At Home Parents
Let the morning bring me word of your unfailing love, for I have put my trust in you. Show me the way I should go, for to you I lift up my soul.
Christain Work At Home Parents
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Christian Quote of the Day, Incarnation

Christian Quote of the Day
Topic for Today: Incarnation - Jesus Christ
The glory of the incarnation is that it presents to our adoring gaze not a humanized God or a deified man, but a true God-man - one who is all that God is and at the same time all that man is: one on whose almighty arm we can rest, and to whose human sympathy we can appeal.
Warfield, Benjamin B.
Monday, April 27, 2009
Christian Quote of the Day, Emotions
Sunday, April 26, 2009
Christian Quote of the Day, Perseverance

Christian Quote of the Day - April 26, 2009
Topic for Today: Perseverance
True grace always produces vigilance rather than complacency; it always produces perseverance rather than indolence.
Bridges, Jerry
Saturday, April 25, 2009
Christian Quote of the Day, Spiritual Hunger
Christian Quote of the Day
Topic for Today: Spiritual Hunger
Oh for a heart to praise my God, A heart from sin set free, A heart that always feels they blood So freely shed for me.
Wesley, Charles
Topic for Today: Spiritual Hunger
Oh for a heart to praise my God, A heart from sin set free, A heart that always feels they blood So freely shed for me.
Wesley, Charles
Christian Quote of the Day
C S Lewis
I believe in Christianity as I believe that the sun has risen. Not only because I see it, but because I see everything by it.
Christian Work From Home Moms and Grandparents
I believe in Christianity as I believe that the sun has risen. Not only because I see it, but because I see everything by it.
Christian Work From Home Moms and Grandparents
Friday, April 24, 2009
Christian Quote of the Day, Crossroads
When you are at crossroads and need to make a decision, what do you do? Turn to God for divine intervention. We pray to God to help us through tumultuous times. When you read these quotes from the Bible, you will know that God influences our life in many ways.
Ephesians 5:25
Christian Parents
Ephesians 5:25
Christian Parents
Quote Of the Day
A father is someone who carries pictures where his money used to be. Amen!Quote Of the Day
Boomers Back in the Job Market: Stay Ahead by Getting Your Hearing Checked
Boomers Back in the Job Market: Stay Ahead by Getting Your Hearing Checked

Impressive resume … check. Perfect interview suit … check. Hearing aid … uh, how’s that again?
If you’re among the millions of baby boomers that the recession has driven back into the job-hunting workforce, don’t overlook one of your most important professional assets -- your ability to hear clearly.
About 15 percent of people aged 45 to 64 have some degree of hearing loss, according to the Better Hearing Institute. Yours could directly affect your ability to be competitive in the work marketplace and hinder productivity in a new job or career. With Better Hearing Month approaching in May, it’s a good time to protect your competitive edge by ensuring your hearing is as good as it can be.
Consider these important facts about hearing loss and how to deal with it:
* When was the last time you had a hearing test? Can’t recall? You’re not alone. Just 13 percent of general practitioners screen adult patients for hearing loss. While children might be routinely tested a few times throughout their school career, adults tend to overlook the possibility of hearing problems. Because hearing loss usually occurs gradually, over time, you may not notice a problem until it has become advanced.
* Hearing loss is not just a senior citizens’ problem. The majority of people with hearing loss -- 65 percent -- are below retirement age. More than 31 million Americans live with hearing loss, and 15 percent are aged 45 to 64.
* While certain professions are at increased risk of hearing loss, like firefighters, police officers, factory workers, farmers, construction workers, military personnel, heavy industry workers, musicians and entertainment industry professionals, hearing loss can affect anyone in any profession. Our world in general is far noisier and louder than it was even just 20 years ago.
* Even mild hearing loss can seriously impact your ability to communicate and be productive. Hearing loss can hinder your ability to listen well during an important job interview, or make you miss vital information during a meeting, phone call or teleconference.
* Hearing loss may be irreversible, but does not necessarily have to be continually degenerative. Getting your hearing loss diagnosed and treated early can help slow or even halt its advance.
Only a health care professional can diagnose hearing loss and prescribe a treatment, which may include wearing a hearing aid. Hearing aids can help -- discreetly, subtly and effectively. Many modern hearing aids are minimally visible and designed to help the wearer hear more clearly, even in situations where older models might not have worked as well, such as a crowded restaurant.
In addition, new technology from industry leader Starkey offers patient-proven features such as PureWave Feedback Eliminator, which eliminates the annoying whistling often associated with hearing aids; Acoustic Scene Analyzer, which instantly adapts the hearing aid for the greatest comfort and clarity even in the noisiest environments; and T2, a breakthrough technology that allows a hearing aid wearer to use a cell or touch-tone phone to conveniently switch modes or adjust volume without the need for additional hardware.
Employers consistently rank superior listening skills among the most-desirable traits a job candidate can offer. But the best listening skills in the world are useless if you can’t clearly hear what’s being said. If you’re experiencing hearing loss, a hearing aid can help you compete in a tough job market. To learn more about Starkey’s products, visit
Courtesy of ARAcontent

Impressive resume … check. Perfect interview suit … check. Hearing aid … uh, how’s that again?
If you’re among the millions of baby boomers that the recession has driven back into the job-hunting workforce, don’t overlook one of your most important professional assets -- your ability to hear clearly.
About 15 percent of people aged 45 to 64 have some degree of hearing loss, according to the Better Hearing Institute. Yours could directly affect your ability to be competitive in the work marketplace and hinder productivity in a new job or career. With Better Hearing Month approaching in May, it’s a good time to protect your competitive edge by ensuring your hearing is as good as it can be.
Consider these important facts about hearing loss and how to deal with it:
* When was the last time you had a hearing test? Can’t recall? You’re not alone. Just 13 percent of general practitioners screen adult patients for hearing loss. While children might be routinely tested a few times throughout their school career, adults tend to overlook the possibility of hearing problems. Because hearing loss usually occurs gradually, over time, you may not notice a problem until it has become advanced.
* Hearing loss is not just a senior citizens’ problem. The majority of people with hearing loss -- 65 percent -- are below retirement age. More than 31 million Americans live with hearing loss, and 15 percent are aged 45 to 64.
* While certain professions are at increased risk of hearing loss, like firefighters, police officers, factory workers, farmers, construction workers, military personnel, heavy industry workers, musicians and entertainment industry professionals, hearing loss can affect anyone in any profession. Our world in general is far noisier and louder than it was even just 20 years ago.
* Even mild hearing loss can seriously impact your ability to communicate and be productive. Hearing loss can hinder your ability to listen well during an important job interview, or make you miss vital information during a meeting, phone call or teleconference.
* Hearing loss may be irreversible, but does not necessarily have to be continually degenerative. Getting your hearing loss diagnosed and treated early can help slow or even halt its advance.
Only a health care professional can diagnose hearing loss and prescribe a treatment, which may include wearing a hearing aid. Hearing aids can help -- discreetly, subtly and effectively. Many modern hearing aids are minimally visible and designed to help the wearer hear more clearly, even in situations where older models might not have worked as well, such as a crowded restaurant.
In addition, new technology from industry leader Starkey offers patient-proven features such as PureWave Feedback Eliminator, which eliminates the annoying whistling often associated with hearing aids; Acoustic Scene Analyzer, which instantly adapts the hearing aid for the greatest comfort and clarity even in the noisiest environments; and T2, a breakthrough technology that allows a hearing aid wearer to use a cell or touch-tone phone to conveniently switch modes or adjust volume without the need for additional hardware.
Employers consistently rank superior listening skills among the most-desirable traits a job candidate can offer. But the best listening skills in the world are useless if you can’t clearly hear what’s being said. If you’re experiencing hearing loss, a hearing aid can help you compete in a tough job market. To learn more about Starkey’s products, visit
Courtesy of ARAcontent
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Mothers Day Gift
Stumped for a Mother’s Day Gift? Consider This

She never missed a soccer game and personally helped you handpick the prom attire that wowed all your friends. She never spent a dime on herself so that she could save up for your college education.
You know you can never really repay Mom for all she’s done for you over the years, but Mother’s Day is the one day a year you at least try to let her know how much she’s appreciated. And although you know she’ll be happy with whatever you give her, this year you want to do something truly memorable.
At a loss for gift ideas to really express how much Mom means to you? Here are a few tips and suggestions to keep in mind:
* Don’t just give her money. In a recession, it may seem like money would be a practical, appreciated gift, something everyone needs and everyone can use. In reality, though, parents rank grown children as the givers they least want to get money from, according to a national survey by Momentum Research, commissioned by the Web site Gift Elan.
If Mom really needs some help in paying for necessities, go the extra mile to help her in a way that won’t hurt her pride. Contact her utilities or car finance company and arrange to pick up some payments, then slip a homemade “paid-for” certificate into her Mother’s Day card. Prepay her cell phone contract for a year. Look for ways to help that don’t involve just handing her money.
* Every mom is a homemaker, even if she works full time outside the home. Helping her make her home more enjoyable for her and inviting for guests is a great way to repay her. Does she need some yard work done? Load the car with the necessary tools -- and the grandkids -- and spend the weekend with Mom helping her beautify her yard.
Is she pining for a new look for her kitchen but doesn’t have the budget to remodel? If you’re a seasoned do-it-yourselfer, you can help her retile, install a backsplash and any number of other low-cost projects that will spice up the look of her kitchen. Even if you’re not a handy person, you can still help her out by painting, switching out cabinet hardware and installing some new fixtures.
* Jewelry remains a timeless gift for women of all ages, and mothers are no exception. The Momentum survey also found that mothers score jewelry high on the list of gifts they want to receive from their grown children, and their preference for jewelry gifts actually increases as they get older.
It’s important to purchase the right kind of jewelry gift. Keep in mind that Mom’s taste might be different from yours -- and she might not appreciate a naval ring, nose stud or showy cocktail ring. When it comes to buying jewelry for mothers, play it safe with a piece that is sure to be as timeless, classic and enduring as motherhood itself.
“From June Cleaver to Marge Simpson, pearls have come to epitomize the essence of motherhood’s purity and beauty in America’s pop culture psyche,” says pearl expert Jeremy Shepherd. “A simple strand of pearls, a pair ofpearl stud earrings or a classic pearl ring can tell Mom that you really see her as the essence of perfect motherhood.”
If Mom’s a traditionalist, go for classic white akoya or freshwater pearls. If she’s more adventurous and likes color, you can add flare to your pearl gift by choosing one of the numerous unusual colors -- from shimmering gold to glistening green-black -- now available in cultured pearls. And you don’t have to spend a fortune or endure high-pressure sales tactics in a jewelry showroom to find just the right pearl gift. Web sites like have made it easy and cost-effective to give memorable pearl gifts.
Courtesy of ARAcontent

She never missed a soccer game and personally helped you handpick the prom attire that wowed all your friends. She never spent a dime on herself so that she could save up for your college education.
You know you can never really repay Mom for all she’s done for you over the years, but Mother’s Day is the one day a year you at least try to let her know how much she’s appreciated. And although you know she’ll be happy with whatever you give her, this year you want to do something truly memorable.
At a loss for gift ideas to really express how much Mom means to you? Here are a few tips and suggestions to keep in mind:
* Don’t just give her money. In a recession, it may seem like money would be a practical, appreciated gift, something everyone needs and everyone can use. In reality, though, parents rank grown children as the givers they least want to get money from, according to a national survey by Momentum Research, commissioned by the Web site Gift Elan.
If Mom really needs some help in paying for necessities, go the extra mile to help her in a way that won’t hurt her pride. Contact her utilities or car finance company and arrange to pick up some payments, then slip a homemade “paid-for” certificate into her Mother’s Day card. Prepay her cell phone contract for a year. Look for ways to help that don’t involve just handing her money.
* Every mom is a homemaker, even if she works full time outside the home. Helping her make her home more enjoyable for her and inviting for guests is a great way to repay her. Does she need some yard work done? Load the car with the necessary tools -- and the grandkids -- and spend the weekend with Mom helping her beautify her yard.
Is she pining for a new look for her kitchen but doesn’t have the budget to remodel? If you’re a seasoned do-it-yourselfer, you can help her retile, install a backsplash and any number of other low-cost projects that will spice up the look of her kitchen. Even if you’re not a handy person, you can still help her out by painting, switching out cabinet hardware and installing some new fixtures.
* Jewelry remains a timeless gift for women of all ages, and mothers are no exception. The Momentum survey also found that mothers score jewelry high on the list of gifts they want to receive from their grown children, and their preference for jewelry gifts actually increases as they get older.
It’s important to purchase the right kind of jewelry gift. Keep in mind that Mom’s taste might be different from yours -- and she might not appreciate a naval ring, nose stud or showy cocktail ring. When it comes to buying jewelry for mothers, play it safe with a piece that is sure to be as timeless, classic and enduring as motherhood itself.
“From June Cleaver to Marge Simpson, pearls have come to epitomize the essence of motherhood’s purity and beauty in America’s pop culture psyche,” says pearl expert Jeremy Shepherd. “A simple strand of pearls, a pair of
If Mom’s a traditionalist, go for classic white akoya or freshwater pearls. If she’s more adventurous and likes color, you can add flare to your pearl gift by choosing one of the numerous unusual colors -- from shimmering gold to glistening green-black -- now available in cultured pearls. And you don’t have to spend a fortune or endure high-pressure sales tactics in a jewelry showroom to find just the right pearl gift. Web sites like have made it easy and cost-effective to give memorable pearl gifts.
Courtesy of ARAcontent
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Christian Quote of the Day, Discipleship
Sunday, April 19, 2009
Christian Quote of the Day, Prayer
Thursday, April 16, 2009

Create an Authentic Cinco de Mayo Experience at Home
- In Mexico, the heart of the family resides in the kitchen where friends and family share the comforts of great, flavorful meals. A number of influences from Mexican and Latin culture have affected Americans in how we celebrate, cook and eat. And more of us, no matter what heritage, are spending more time dining at home with our families. With the popularity of Mexican and Latin dishes on the rise, Cinco de Mayo is the perfect opportunity to celebrate spending time with family while enjoying an authentic Mexican meal in your own kitchen.
“When I am not in one of my restaurant kitchens, I love creating a meal with my husband using authentic ingredients from our Latin heritage to create approachable and comforting meals to share with our family and friends," says Michelle Bernstein-Martinez, James Beard award-winning chef and author of Cuisine A Latina. "As a chef, I like to use local ingredients, as well as foods from other cultures, or inspired by other cultures, to create a layer of flavors. Incorporating Latin cheese varieties is one way I add layers in rich authentic dishes."
Bernstein-Martinez has a few tips and suggestions on how you can create your own">Cinco de Mayo experience:
* Add your own twist.
To take a traditional meal and make it your own, incorporate traditional Latin ingredients such as chilies and Mexican cheeses, then add your favorite in-season go-to ingredients. For example, tortilla chips may be a great traditional accompaniment to a cheese dip, but consider adding fresh green onion sticks or sweet potato fries alongside a basket of chips to add variety to your typical chip and dip platter.
* Use authentic ingredients.
Luckily, many cultural influences have made an impact at local grocery chains. Now you can find unique blends of spices, produce and other fresh ingredients without making a special trip to a boutique market. For example, cheeses such as Manchengo, Queso Quesadilla and Anejo Enchilado can be found in">Sargento Artisan Blends Shredded Authentic Mexican Cheese. The combination of these cheeses offer great melt and flavor to deliver a comforting and delicious dish.
* Offer a mix of dishes.
To keep conversation lively and guests satisfied, offer an array of dishes and build on each one.
1. Offer a mix of spicy and mild dishes as well as a mix of cold and hot.
2. Keep one or two guest favorites on the table throughout the party.
3. A good table staple should not need reheating or should be kept in a hot-dish to avoid extra work to replenish.
This recipe for a Spicy Cheese Fondue by Bernstein-Martinez is the perfect dish to keep on the table throughout the evening and offers a nice blend of traditional authentic ingredients to serve with tortilla chips or your favorite appetizers.
Recipe:">Spicy Cheese Fondue
1 cup heavy cream
Salt to taste (optional)
1/2 teaspoon ancho chili powder
1/2 teaspoon cayenne pepper
1/2 cup Sargento Artisan Blends Shredded Authentic Mexican Cheese
1. Heat heavy cream in saucepan on high. Add spices and season with salt, if desired. Add cheese and stir until melted. Remove from heat and serve warm.
Courtesy of ARAcontent
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Christian Quote of the Day, Self Pity
Christian Quote of the Day -
Topic for Today: Self-Pity
As Christians we should never feel sorry for ourselves. The moment we do so, we lose our energy, we lose the will to fight and the will to live, and are paralyzed.
Lloyd-Jones, D. Martyn
Topic for Today: Self-Pity
As Christians we should never feel sorry for ourselves. The moment we do so, we lose our energy, we lose the will to fight and the will to live, and are paralyzed.
Lloyd-Jones, D. Martyn
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Christian Quote of the Day, Importance
Prayer honours God, acknowledges his being, exalts his power, adores his providence, secures his aid.
Bounds, E. M.
Bounds, E. M.
Saturday, April 11, 2009
Easter Morning
Friday, April 10, 2009
An Easter Carol
The resurrection gives my life meaning and direction and the opportunity to start over no matter what my circumstances. ~Robert Flatt
Saturday, March 28, 2009
Fun and Learning with Kids in the Kitchen
Fun and Learning with Kids in the Kitchen

It's fun, it's messy, and it means time with an adult -- no wonder most kids love to cook. Kitchen duty provides plenty of learning opportunities for kids too. Problem is, for many parents, the goal of cooking is getting something on the table, pronto. And that's OK -- whipping up a nutritious meal using a mix or livening up leftovers together can also be a fun learning experience.
Here's how to make the most out of cooking with a pint-size helper:
* Look for the lesson. No need to get preachy, but take advantage of the learning potential. Besides kitchen safety and cooking techniques, your child can also practice reading, basic math skills (everything from number recognition to division), and how to follow directions.
* Listen. While mixing ingredients, your child might just decide to open up about the school bully or that upcoming, worrisome test. (Somehow it's less intimidating than sitting down for a serious "talk.")
* Encourage easy creativity by stocking up on an array of spices. Try asking your kids things like: "Want to try cardamom instead of cinnamon on those apples?" and "How about adding some zip to these leftover mashed potatoes with a little garlic powder?"
* Explore other cultures. Spice blends like Indian curry and Mexican seasoning are an easy way to introduce ethnic flair -- and conversation -- to dinner.
* Choose dishes that are fun to make, nutritious, and bound to succeed. Pass down family favorites or try new recipes when time permits. Or go quick and simple with convenient mixes. Frontier Natural Products Co-op offers quality, healthful bulk mixes for soups, dips, beverages like lemonade and cocoa, salsas, soy burgers, falafel and taco filling. And its Simply Organic line has meal-size quantities of everything from baking and dip mixes to gravies, pasta sauces, taco mixes, dressings and marinades.
* Take advantage of broth powders. Just add water and you're on your way to homemade soup. Have your child toss in leftovers from the week and a few spices, and you've got yourselves a budget-friendly, healthful dinner.
* Sprout seeds. Show your child how to start a batch of sprouts and rinse them twice a day until they're ready. (It's an easier way to teach responsibility than a family pet!)
* Introduce your child to related life skills, like meal planning and nutrition, grocery shopping and budget management, table setting, and gardening. Visit the farmer's market and the food co-op together.
* Use cooking as a springboard. "Kids can learn about important topics like organics, food miles, and ethical sourcing at an early age," says Kathy Larson, vice president of Sustainability and Education at Frontier Natural Products Co-op. "You might explain that you purchase your produce from a local farmer who sells at the co-op, for example -- or that you order your coffee, tea, spices, sprouting seeds and other cooking ingredients from a company that helps the farmers who grow their products and makes business decisions with the environment in mind."
* If you find that your child is eager for more time in the kitchen, devote some of your weekend to baking a cake or making cookies from scratch. (That'll give you plenty of time to talk about why cakes rise or the concept of that Fair Trade cocoa you're using.)
Cooking side-by-side with your child means you can set the timer for quality time and make every minute count. You'll find more tips on cooking with kids -- and kid-friendly recipes -- at
Courtesy of ARAcontent

It's fun, it's messy, and it means time with an adult -- no wonder most kids love to cook. Kitchen duty provides plenty of learning opportunities for kids too. Problem is, for many parents, the goal of cooking is getting something on the table, pronto. And that's OK -- whipping up a nutritious meal using a mix or livening up leftovers together can also be a fun learning experience.
Here's how to make the most out of cooking with a pint-size helper:
* Look for the lesson. No need to get preachy, but take advantage of the learning potential. Besides kitchen safety and cooking techniques, your child can also practice reading, basic math skills (everything from number recognition to division), and how to follow directions.
* Listen. While mixing ingredients, your child might just decide to open up about the school bully or that upcoming, worrisome test. (Somehow it's less intimidating than sitting down for a serious "talk.")
* Encourage easy creativity by stocking up on an array of spices. Try asking your kids things like: "Want to try cardamom instead of cinnamon on those apples?" and "How about adding some zip to these leftover mashed potatoes with a little garlic powder?"
* Explore other cultures. Spice blends like Indian curry and Mexican seasoning are an easy way to introduce ethnic flair -- and conversation -- to dinner.
* Choose dishes that are fun to make, nutritious, and bound to succeed. Pass down family favorites or try new recipes when time permits. Or go quick and simple with convenient mixes. Frontier Natural Products Co-op offers quality, healthful bulk mixes for soups, dips, beverages like lemonade and cocoa, salsas, soy burgers, falafel and taco filling. And its Simply Organic line has meal-size quantities of everything from baking and dip mixes to gravies, pasta sauces, taco mixes, dressings and marinades.
* Take advantage of broth powders. Just add water and you're on your way to homemade soup. Have your child toss in leftovers from the week and a few spices, and you've got yourselves a budget-friendly, healthful dinner.
* Sprout seeds. Show your child how to start a batch of sprouts and rinse them twice a day until they're ready. (It's an easier way to teach responsibility than a family pet!)
* Introduce your child to related life skills, like meal planning and nutrition, grocery shopping and budget management, table setting, and gardening. Visit the farmer's market and the food co-op together.
* Use cooking as a springboard. "Kids can learn about important topics like organics, food miles, and ethical sourcing at an early age," says Kathy Larson, vice president of Sustainability and Education at Frontier Natural Products Co-op. "You might explain that you purchase your produce from a local farmer who sells at the co-op, for example -- or that you order your coffee, tea, spices, sprouting seeds and other cooking ingredients from a company that helps the farmers who grow their products and makes business decisions with the environment in mind."
* If you find that your child is eager for more time in the kitchen, devote some of your weekend to baking a cake or making cookies from scratch. (That'll give you plenty of time to talk about why cakes rise or the concept of that Fair Trade cocoa you're using.)
Cooking side-by-side with your child means you can set the timer for quality time and make every minute count. You'll find more tips on cooking with kids -- and kid-friendly recipes -- at
Courtesy of ARAcontent
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