
Sunday, May 10, 2009

Mothers and Wives

Whether it's Mother's Day or Christmas. I enjoy pondering the fact that Jesus had a mother. When we look at the New Testament accounts of the life of Christ, we don't have to search far to see the important role his mother had in his life. Over time though, her role changed. The way she handled that shifting role leaves a great example for us.

Mary's love for Jesus was obvious. She wrapped him in swaddling clothes in Bethlehem. She and Joseph fled with him to Egypt. They watched his wisdom and independence blossom. In Jesus' adult years- when Mary witnessed him turn the water into wine at a wedding - her role as a mom seemed to change. She stepped back and acknowledged his authority. She continued to follow him on his trips as he ministered to people around him. On one of those trips, when he announced that his mother and brothers were not connected to him by flesh and blood but those who were part of the family of faith (Luke 8:31), she was presented with another aspect of her role change: in addition to being Jesus' mother, she was his disciple as well. It's obvious that she accepted that position, because she followed Jesus to his death and stood at the foot of his cross. After the Resurrection, Mary was also present in the upper room, where she waited for the Holy Spirit along with the other disciples.

When we struggle as moms, when we're unsure of our roles, when we need wisdom and help for a particular stage, it is so comforting to remember that the one to whom we pray is also one who had a mother!

Source: Christian Parents - Faithful Grannies - Christian Working Moms

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