Need a new book for your nightstand? Then check out these books. Every couple weeks we will submit new reviews for books we love so you can find a page turner of your own. Settle in and find a new story to enchant you.

The Shadow of the Wind by Carlos Ruis Zafron
This novel, set in Barcelona in 1945 when the city is still healing from the Spanish Civil war, is about a boy, Daniel, who finds solace in a mysterious book entitled The Shadow and the Wind by Julien Carax. When Daniel sets out to find the author's other works, he makes a shocking discovery—someone is systematically destroying every copy of every book Carax has written. In fact, Daniel may have the last book in existence. Soon his innocent quest opens a door into one of Barcelona's darkest secrets‹an epic story of murder, madness and doomed love.-- Carlos Lamadrid; available at Amazon.com

Body Surfing by Anita Shreve
This is just one of those perfect summer reads. A young widow works as a live-in tutor for a wealthy family one summer in their beachfront New Hampshire house. She quickly exhibits both a unifying and polarizing force on the family: two brothers compete for her affections, their kind-hearted father and sister fill a void in her life, and their mother¹s inexplicable disapproval foreshadows the book’s unexpected ending.-- Amanda Greene; available at Amazon.com

Chocolat by Joanne Harris
Set in a small town in France during Lent, Harris tells the story of newcomer Vianne Rocher and the spells ¬both literal and metaphorical ¬that she casts over the seemingly narrow-minded, church-going people of Lansquenet. Vianne, with the help of her six-year-old daughter, Anouk, opens up a chocolate shop in the middle of town, tempting each person with her magical ability to detect one’s favorite candy. Enraged by her unconventional methods and the fact that she stays open on Sundays, the priest, Francis Reynaud sets out on a personal mission to destroy what he sees as Vianne’s deliberate disobedience of his life’s work. Harris eloquently depicts the unraveling of Reynaud’s control ¬ over himself and the town ¬ with Vianne¹s mission to reach out and warm the hearts of the people of Lansquenet, making this a modern classic, sure to inspire every type of reader. -- Ashley Bell; available at Amazon.com
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