Love is the gift you give to another that knows no reason and knows no bounds. It is that idyllic belief that somehow comes true when you lean on someone and they on you. It is through that union that you create a bond that no one else can break. It is also through that union that you achieve because you have each other when others have only themselves or no one else to lean on. The person you love is often the person who angers you the most, the person who frustrates you the most and the person you look at, from time to time, and wonder about. But it is with the same eye that you feel anger, frustration and wonder that you look in amazement and disbelief. This is the time when you look at what that other person can do, at what they can accomplish and what they can create, and you sigh to yourself and feel wonderfully proud.
Yes, love is an amazing thing. Love can cure when doctors say there is no hope, for the purity of love is indeed divinely and universally unlimited and boundless with abundant possibilities. Love can lift you to the great heights and love can heal and cure what no one doctor or man can deny. Love is likened to the cool touch of linen sheets which feel so welcoming before you close your eyes at night and breathe in the scent of the person who lies beside you, for even when they are not there, their scent is, their warmth is and their essence remains. And you place your hand on their spot and you dream dreams of sweet comfort while a tear rests on your cheek and you know that living in you is the love of your other half which makes you whole.
Love is the endless sense of hope that searchers never find. Love is the truth that can only be sensually felt and never quantified or measured for it is intangible, as is spirit. For we say unto you that verily, you are love, and all you can give, when all has been taken, is love, and only then can you stand before your creator and say, "I am humankind, in your image and the love you feel for me, I truly understand, for there is nothing else left for me to give. So, let me give my love back unto you."
Yea, it is at this moment of recognition that one realizes that they have never been alone, for when they stand in love they stand in the midst of creation. Yea, they stand in the image of universal perfection for the purest gift of all has led them on the greatest journey of discovery. The path honed and carved out by two as one, against all odds, seemingly immeasurable odds, when only they believed in each other and even the doubt they have momentary felt falls aside when they say, the power of their love for each other unfolds endless opportunity before them. This gift of love cannot be purchased, it cannot be adorned for standing naked in the light, love shines such radiance that the beauty contained within emanates singular, righteous innocence.
And we say to you as you would say unto another, place your hand in mine and walk by my side. Do not stand in my shadow, do not lead me where I do not want to go, but journey by my side for the discovery is ours to explore together. Memories of love are memories that endure forever.
Memories of love hold the power to lift up and heal. Memories of love bring forth spring and the blossoms of radiant beauty that make summers come forth from dullness. Love finds itself on the soul-level and oftentimes makes no sense for what you see in each other no other can see, until they see how you look at each other. Remember those early days and the time you first looked at each other and you saw the hope of the world held within the eyes you gazed? That light still flourishes, that light still burns and that love will always lead your way.
Love is sacrifice, there is a seriousness to betrayal where love is concerned. Once there is betrayal, again it is only the very singular aspect of selfless love that will lead you to forgiveness. Those who love often sacrifice of themselves to those they love to ensure their happiness and well-being. Ah, but this is pure love, not the love of image of appearance. In this third dimensional reality, appearance is the temptation that intercedes in your reality. For careers and success, relationships are entered into and again and again we see the failures and complications that come from that false foundation.
What makes one a success and builds one's life is a partnership based on trust and mutual concerns, and those concerns that we speak of are the concerns that bind one person to another for the caring they share for one another. You see that gathering and paring for reasons that, externally motivated, will be laced with complications. So often there is an emphasis on the physical, and yes truly there will likely always be this side to your behavior because it fits into the third dimensional reality. However, you cannot groom a soul, you cannot reshape a belief system and you cannot change an attitude. But you can improve the exterior self to align with the improvement of self that comes through hand in hand with love. Ah yes, the aspect of love that exists within the power of love can cause all things to bloom and realize their full potential. For we say verily unto you that the magic within love is the unheard melody you hear within your soul. Follow the melody of love and enjoy your journey of wondrous discovery as your dreams come true.
The Writings of David Reid Lowell
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