
Saturday, October 13, 2012

Halloween Costumes - Girls

Halloween Costumes for Little Girls - The Ladybug Girl Fancy Dress Costume .

A great way to decide on a fancy dress costume for your little girl is to take a look at the books that she enjoys. One particular book that has become very popular with little girls is the series called The Ladybug Girl. Now your child can dress up just like the heroine of these stories and enjoy herself while out trick or treating.

The Ladybug Girl – Get the Costume

The ladybug girl costume is a really fun option. It consists of lots of red and black. You can decide to either purchase this outfit or your can create your own if you are handy with a needle and thread. As the name would suggest, the aim of this costume is to look like a little ladybug so the most important feature is the wings. You can get them in all different sizes so you want to be sure to pick the right one for your child. These wings are usually made with straps that your child will need to put her arms through. This is a lightweight structure so will not cause any discomfort at all.

The other essential part of this costume is the bright red tutu skirt. Again, this is something that you can purchase ready made or you can buy some red netting or chiffon tulle and create your own by sewing a loose running stitch through the top and pulling slowly on the thread in order to gather the whole thing together to create the tutu effect. Add a ribbon tie to the back so that it sits securely on the waist.

A Ladybug costume would not be complete without a set of antenna. This can be made from a simple headband in red or in black. All you need is to add a couple of fuzzy little baubles on the top.

In The Ladybug Girl books, our little heroine runs around in a pair of bright red rain boots. You could also add this to this costume or simply get your little one to wear a pair of plain black shoes and attach the same type of fuzzy little baubles that you used for the headband antenna.

Don’t Know About The Ladybug Girl Books?

The little girl in these series of books is called Lulu. Just like all children, she has a vivid imagination and so she has created a heroic alter ego known as Ladybug Girl. There are currently 10 books in the series which was created by husband and wife team Jacky Davis, the writer of the books and David Soman, the illustrator. The stories were actually inspired by their own children.

By using your daughter’s reading books as a source of inspiration, you could create a wonderful Fancy dress costume suitable for any Halloween party or birthday bash.

Lighter not my granddaughter was a lady bug when she was one and half. Adorabble  red buntting with black dots and head band. The memories of that halloween time of many years ago. A great place to find Halloween Costomes online is Birthday In A Box for all your holiday and party needs.

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